The Young and the Woke
The Young and the Woke is a podcast that gives the mic to high school students in Oakland, California to tell their stories. Step into the shoes of these students as they eat school lunch, ride the city bus, vote at the polls, and speak their minds. On this audio journey, keep your ears open for how students awaken to their sense of purpose and what helps them find their way. Young Whan Choi is a writer and educator and his writing and more info can be found at youngwhan.com
The Young and the Woke
E Pluribus Unum: Out of Many, One
On this episode, you will meet Julisa Liang, a senior at Oakland High School in the Law and Social Justice Academy. Her life is like that American motto found on much of our money - “e pluribus unum” – out of many, one. She seems to be able to find common ground with whomever she meets, whether she's riding AC transit, ringing up customers at Target, buying tacos in the Fruitvale, or discussing controversial topics in school. This notion that we as human beings can be different, and still unified, feels so important in this moment.
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Contact me here: theyoungandthewoke@gmail.com